Apple Orchard Tag

Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012 – Hickory Nut Forest Eco-Community is sponsoring the 5th annual Apple Fest Fundraiser on Saturday, September 8, 2012, from 1:00 – 5:00 PM in its organic apple orchard on Rt. 74A in Gerton/Bat Cave, NC.  It is a family-friendly fun event in support of Hickory Nut Forest’s organic orchard and gardens. 

ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR FALL APPLES Eco-Community hosts 3rd annual AppleFest: Free apples for you, the community and beyond. Click here for flyer... Hickory Nut Forest Apple FestApples. They’re not just for pies anymore! In addition to applesauce and butter, there is caramel apple bars, apple buttermilk bread, apple kugel, apple-cabbage ravioli with thyme, apple mulligatawny and so much more.  To find fall apples for these creations, visitors and the community are invited to the Third Annual Hickory Nut Forest Eco-Community AppleFest on September 25, from 1-5 at on Rt. 74-A in Gerton/Bat Cave, NC.  It is free and family-friendly event.

Today we had 25 people of all ages out in our organic apple orchard, Honey Bear Orchard, shaking trees and picking apples. We had a great abundance of apples this year, and we wanted to find a way to share this with people in need in the surrounding community. The Society of St. Andrews came out with all of these volunteers to gather apples from our trees. They are an organization that does gleaning, which is the gathering of fruits and vegetables from farmer’s fields at the end of the season that would normally go to waste. They then distribute the food free to hungry people in their community.