Grow your own organic vegetables, pick local apples, plums, grapes, pears, peaches, and cherries; buy local free-range eggs and meats or join a CSA and get organic veggies all season long.
Grow your own organic vegetables, pick local apples, plums, grapes, pears, peaches, and cherries; buy local free-range eggs and meats or join a CSA and get organic veggies all season long.
Less than 10 minutes away in Fairview is Flying Cloud Farm with many varieties of organic vegetables, fruits and flowers. Here you can join a CSA (community supported agriculture) and get regular orders of organic vegetables and flowers in season.
Our neighbors up the gorge at Hickory Nut Gap provide organic chicken, pork and eggs.
A local organic food store is in Fairview, and Whole Foods, Greenlife and Earthfare are close by in Asheville.
Ethan making applesauce from Hickory Nut Forest’s apples.