01 Sep 5th Annual Apple Fest
Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012 – Hickory Nut Forest Eco-Community is sponsoring the 5th annual Apple Fest Fundraiser on Saturday, September 8, 2012, from 1:00 – 5:00 PM in its organic apple orchard on Rt. 74A in Gerton/Bat Cave, NC. It is a family-friendly fun event in support of Hickory Nut Forest’s organic orchard and gardens. Suggested donations are $3 per car load (carpooling is encouraged) and $2 per bag of organic apples. Apple picking, apple bobbing, apple cider pressing, apple goodie sampling, an apple cake walk, and an apple pie contest will be the featured events. All pie entries should be brought to Jane Lawson by 2:00 PM to be entered into the contest.
Hickory Nut Forest Eco-Community is located on 240 magnificent acres in Hickory Nut Gorge in Gerton, 17 miles southeast of Asheville. The community features green homes with renewable energy (including a brand-new micro-hydro system garnering electric power from the flow of Hickory Nut Creek), organic gardens and orchards,
5 miles of trails, and a community center called Laughing Waters.
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