16 Sep Sustainability
In a world with finite resources, unlimited growth is no longer an option. We are exceeding the limits of natural systems all over the globe: high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere caused by burning fossil fuels, over-fishing of oceans, depletion of aquifers, erosion of soils, contamination of water supplies, loss of old growth forests and many other disruptions. Population growth and industrialization of the third world creates ever increasing demands for food supplies and energy. Around the globe, people are noticing the effects of climate changes on their lives.
Awareness is growing of the need for all of us to shift to sustainable approaches in how we use energy, grow food, use water, and manage our forests. Many solutions already exist for making positive changes that will allow us to live on this earth in balance with the natural systems. We need to act NOW and begin adopting new ways of living and using our planet’s resources.
The upcoming Global Transformation Festival is a chance to learn more about solutions and meet people who are using them in their lives. There are so many important actions that we can take including: advocacy, low-carbon living, organic growing, personal health self-care, community building, conservation of resources, renewable energy and other green opportunities.
Over the next few weeks in this blog, we will be highlighting various local people and organizations who are making positive changes toward sustainability. Stay tuned for their inspiring ideas and stories!
What: Global Transformation Festival
When: October 15, 2011
Where: Laughing Waters at Hickory Nut Forest Eco-Community
Sponsored by: Hickory Nut Forest, Blue Ridge Sustainability Institute, Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy, ECO-Environmental Conservation Organization, Equinox Environmental, Riverlink, Sundance Power, WNC Green Building Council and NC Sustainable Energy Association.
For more information: www.LaughingWatersNC.com
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